READ: Philippians 2:12-22
But without a parable spake he not unto them: and when they were alone, he expounded all things to his disciples. :- Mark 4:34

One day, I was praying in tongues and walking along a footpath on one of the hills in Ghana. The entire hillside was covered with tall untamed grass. I saw a section within the wild grass measuring about 20 metres by 20 metres. In that particular section there were neatly planted pineapple plants. I could see the baby pineapples sprouting. That section of the hillside was very different from the rest of the surroundings.

The Spirit of the Lord spoke to me and said, “That section of the hillside is different because certain seeds have been planted there. The Lord told me that the rest of the hillside can be likened to the general congregation which receives the general rainfall.

The special patch of ground which was yielding pineapples can be likened to the leadership of the church. If you invest in potential leaders, you will harvest a crop of well-seasoned leaders. I spend more time with my leaders than I do with the general congregation. This investment has turned many people into “shepherds” and lay pastors! Invest specially in
leaders and potential pastors and they will grow up to become great ministers!

For years, and at great expense, I have been holding Shepherds’ Camps and training people to become shepherds of God’s sheep. We have pastoral training sessions for lay people who want to be in the ministry. I want them to be soul-winners for Jesus. I want them to be shepherds of God’s flock. I want them to fulfil the Great Commission.