READ : John 19:1-22

Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted” – Isaiah 53:4

Throughout the ages, God prepared a plan to redeem and rescue His creation. This plan is summed up in Christ the Redeemer. There were many predictions in the Old Testament about the coming Messiah who would heal and deliver. The coming of Christ to this earth was predicted long in advance. This is one thing that separates Jesus from leaders of all other religions. The prophets detailed His purpose, life and death long before He arrived.

Isaiah predicted that there would be someone who would take up our sorrows, our grief and the chastisement of our peace. He foretold that someone would come to take away the things that disturb our peace of mind in this life. He would take up our sicknesses and bring us healing through His stripes.

God has expressed in His Word, His heart’s desire to heal His creation. He is very concerned with the repairing of His creation, which is and has been, lost to the devil.

Pontius Pilate asked Jesus, “Do you not know that I have the ability to set you free?” (John 19:10). This was a suggestion that Jesus could avoid the cross. Jesus was not fooled by Satan’s easy plan. He had to pay the price. He had to go to the cross.

The cross is the symbol of Christ, the symbol of Christianity and the symbol of the Church. We must be proud of the cross of Jesus Christ. It is our symbol, and a symbol of obedience and sacrifice!