READ: Matthew 27:1-14

“And when ye stand praying, FORGIVE, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses” – Mark 11:25

Joseph received the light of God. The light of God was special guidance he had received on what to do with a pregnant fiancée. The light was guiding him towards forgiveness. If he had not forgiven Mary for getting pregnant before they married, Joseph would not be as famous as he is today. Remember that the anointing oil gives a peculiar light so that you can walk in the will of God. Receive the light to forgive.

Joseph received the light of God to continue living with Mary even though it looked like she had cheated on him. It would have been quite easy to believe that Mary was lying to Joseph and cheating on him. How could anyone be pregnant by a spirit? Indeed, Mary claimed to have been made pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Joseph received the light of God and the direction was clear; stay on with this woman who seems to be lying and cheating on you! Many marriages have unfair situations. Usually, one of the partners feels they are having a raw deal. This is exactly what happened between Joseph and Mary. Joseph felt something bad was happening to him by getting married to Mary. But God told him to carry on with it.

Perhaps that is a light God is giving you. Receive the light to handle someone who seems to be lying and cheating. Judas Iscariot was a liar and a cheat. But Jesus stayed with him to the end. Judas destroyed himself in spite of Jesus’ love.