READ: Acts 1:4-9

…and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.” – Acts 1:8

A highlight of the commission in the Book of Acts is the phrase “uttermost parts of the earth.” The uttermost parts of the earth are the furthermost corners and the most remote islands of our world. There are many inhabited corners of this globe. It is the responsibility of the church to go to the inhabited corners of this globe.

Many Christians say, “If God wants to get the gospel to an island, He will somehow get it to them or somehow bring the islanders to the gospel.” If people like William Carey had followed such a low spiritual mentality, India would not have received the gospel.

I hardly know of any modern day pastors who are discussing the uttermost and furthermost islands and locations of the earth. Instead of finding out how to go there, pastors are involved in all kinds of business in the name of empowering modern day Christians in money and leadership. It is as though those corners of our inhabited globe are cursed. In fact, they are not cursed. It is the disobedient Christians who should watch out. God will find a way of reaching the lost agonizing creatures in our inhabited globe. I do not know how He is going to do it but I know He will find a way and He will find someone who will obey Him.

I challenge you to rise up and put away the stupid spirit of disobedience and the nonsense Christianity of barrenness! It is time to start obeying the word of God and keeping the Great Commission. It is time to bear fruit.