Read : 2 Samuel 1:1-16

Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged…” – Matthew 7:12

Be careful how you criticize your daddy because the devils that fought your daddy will one day fight you. They are just waiting for you to grow up. Whether you like it or not, one day, you will have to fight “your daddy’s devil”.

One man of God said to me, “People want to retire me! They want me to be removed from my position in this nation. They think I have too many problems.” He said something I will not easily forget: “When I am gone, the ‘thing’ that was fighting me will begin to fight them.”

Many sons have had to swallow their words as they walked into their father’s footsteps and made his exact mistakes. Notice how this happened with Abraham, Isaac, David, Solomon and Amnon.

Daddy Abraham disowned his wife and his son Isaac did the same (Genesis 20:1-2; Genesis 26:6-7).

Daddy David had problems with women and marriage and so did his sons Absalom, Solomon and Amnon (2 Samuel 11:2- 4; 2 Samuel 16:22; 1 Kings 11:2-3).

This is an eternal principle and you will be wiser if you grow up and understand it quickly. Refrain from criticizing your fathers, and save yourself.