READ: Romans 12:3-8

So we, being many, are one body in Christ, and every one members one of another” – Romans 12:5

For a human body to grow, many things need to work together at the same time. The bladder fills with urine at the same time as the heart is pumping blood. The brain is taking decisions whilst the muscles of the legs are moving. The liver is removing toxins from the blood and the kidney is clearing out urea from the blood. While all this is going on, the ears are hearing and the eyes are seeing.

Unbelievably, your mouth fills up with saliva caused by secretions of your submandibular and parotid glands, whilst your nose is being filled with secretions that make you feel like blowing your nose. At the same time, the stomach dissolves meat that has been swallowed whilst the duodenum digests bread. Whilst all this is happening, a little blood may be flowing out of the womb of a woman during menstruation. At the same time that all this is happening, hormones are being secreted into your blood. At the same time, your colon absorbs water and forms faeces in your rectum that makes you feel like going to the toilet.

While all these things are going on, chemical reactions take place in your blood. Several biochemical reactions and cycles take place regularly.

As you can see from all these, the human body is very busy indeed. Nothing stops at any time. Many unrelated activities go on all the time. It is these varied, continuous and unrelated activities that cause the body to live and grow normally. The church is the body of Christ. If it is to grow normally and become what it is intended to become, it is going to need several unrelated activities to work together intelligently. When all the different spiritual activities are in place, the body has no choice but to grow.