READ: Numbers 13:17-33

And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.” – Numbers 13:30

From today’s Scripture passage, we can identify the characteristics of a person who is possessed with a can-do spirit. He is usually a good leader.

A can-do leader is ready to fight. He is ready to die, and ready to take a risk. A can-do leader does not see himself as grasshopper. He has an independent opinion about what to do, and does not mind being in the minority. A can-do leader is one who goes into action at once, because he knows that every project can and should start immediately if it is to succeed.

Furthermore, a can-do leader does not allow negative people to influence him, but rather, he influences them as he stays loyal to his Father. He displays absolute faith in God and is not intimidated by the enemy. A can-do leader has a spirit of boldness, of adventure and discovery that leads to development. He is usually unpopular when he is in a backward and unprogressive community, but he will be vindicated in the long run (Numbers 14:6-10).

A can-do leader always sees good and positive things in every circumstance of life.