READ: Genesis 18:1-15

And the Lord said unto Abraham, Wherefore did Sarah laugh, saying, Shall I of a surety bear a child, which am old? Is any thing too hard for the Lord?…” – Genesis 18:13-14

You are a man of faith when you have a good attitude. If you laugh and scorn at something, it shows your low level of respect for it. If you mock me, you do not respect me and you do not believe in me. If you sit up and honour me, it shows you believe that I am a man of God.

When Sara laughed at the word of God that came to her, it showed her lack of belief. God noticed her attitude when she was spoken to. Without faith you cannot please God! Without a good attitude you cannot please God!

Your faith is your attitude! To have a good attitude is to have faith. To have a bad attitude is to show a lack of faith. If you have a bad attitude towards me, you show that you do not believe that I am a great person. If you have a bad attitude towards me, you show that you do not believe that I am important. People have a good attitude towards those they think are important. People relax and develop a lackadaisical and even negative attitude towards those they have a low regard for. A moody person with a bad face will suddenly brighten up and look smart when she sees someone she fears or respects. Your attitude is a clear revelation of your faith and beliefs.

God is watching your attitude. God is watching you closely. He notices the expression on your face. He notices your attentiveness and alertness when He is speaking. He notices your “Amen”! He notices the loudness of your “Amen” and the fervency of your responses. He notices when you sleep in the midst of His amazing ancient words of power and revelation. Your attitude truly shows your faith.