READ : Mark 8:34-38

But rejoice, inasmuch as ye are partakers of Christ’s sufferings; that, when his glory shall be revealed, ye may be glad also with exceeding joy.” – 1 Peter 4:13

Jesus sacrificed the safety of Heaven to dwell amongst a group of perverted, depraved and wicked people. We must follow His example if we are to bear fruit. Walking with the Lord will lead you into many dangers, toils and snares. Every journey you make will put you at risk. If your self-preservation is more important than obeying God, you are not likely to sacrifice your safety and security.

Being in full-time ministry for instance, means you must sacrifice your security. Your family will also make many sacrifices because of the ministry. You will have to give up time and pleasure with your family so that you can do the work.

I was once invited to Colombia to minister. I was uncertain as to whether I should go or not. However, as I flew down to another country in South America, I had a dream in which the Lord spoke to me. He rebuked me sharply and told me that He was ashamed of me because I was trying to preserve myself. He reminded me that if He removed His protection from me for just five minutes, I would perish instantly. When I awoke, I was frightened and I needed no further coaxing to take me to Colombia.

Dear friend, I cannot begin to describe the extent of the power of God that was present in those meetings in Colombia. I saw the greatest miracles in my life, including the raising of the dead.