READ: Ephesians 3:7-12

And he said unto them, Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also: for therefore came I forth.” – Mark 1:38

Let’s get it straight! No one else can do what the church does. No university can preach the gospel. No university plants churches! No secondary school ministers Holy Spirit baptism or prays for the sick. No hospital is charged with the preaching of Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today and forever. No hotel or business can do what a church does. A hotel is not a church!

When I speak of attempting great things for God, I am talking about fulfilling the Great Commission. I am talking about the original God-given mandate of the church to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel”. We are not to preach physics, chemistry, biology, sociology or politics. We are to preach Jesus Christ and Him crucified! Most universities set aside the church and minimize its importance. It is amazing that the churches, which have been set aside and disregarded by the universities, are the very ones that set aside their own doctrine to follow the university’s curriculum. Why does the church set aside the Bible and teach business, psychology, political science and business management in the pulpit. Why doesn’t the university set aside its business studies, psychology, political science and business management and teach the Bible in its classrooms?

Let us attempt great things for God! Let us win souls for Jesus! Let us build churches for God! Let us do the things the Bible says are great works. Let us focus on spiritual things that have eternal value. Let us not be impressed with earthly glamour. The things that are highly esteemed among men are an abomination before God. These are the words of Jesus.

Dear Christian leader: please stop misleading the church! Stop making us think that creating earthly monuments, building human institutions, doing business, engaging in politics is the same as doing the great works of God.