Read : John 14:10-12

Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.” – John 15:4

Do you want to be a fruitful Christian? Then you must engage in the activity that makes you fruitful: witnessing, teaching, helping and getting active in the things of God!

Some people say, “But Pastor, I’m the quiet type, I don’t want any trouble. I just prefer to mind my own business.”

With such excuses we remain totally idle in a vineyard that is ripe for the harvest. So how can we switch from being mere spectators to active participants?

Fallow ground is that which has been left dormant. Idle! Untouched! Unused! In Hosea 10:12, the Lord tells us to break up (cultivate) our fallow ground. That is, to utilize our untapped potential. Today there are a lot of genuine, but dormant Christians in the Church. They are gifted with talents, which can enable them to perform even better than those who are already engaged in serving the Lord.

However, they simply do nothing, while a few labourers do their best to fulfil the Great Commission. I am convinced by the Word that many are called. Every single Christian has a role to play and until you get involved to the point where you are actually bearing fruit, you cannot call yourself an active Christian.

Your regular Christian activity will yield results, and your fruits will definitely begin to show.

Church of God, it is time to grow up! It is time to show by our fruits, that we are mature.