READ: Ecclesiastes 9:11

But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; and that from a child thou hast known THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, which ARE ABLE TO MAKE THEE WISE … .” – 2 Timothy 3:14-15

The Bible is full of God’s wisdom and direction for our lives. When you take heed to the beautiful scriptures, you will become a wise man.

Ecclesiastes 9:11 is a beautiful scripture and it reveals that speed often determines the winner of a race. (However, time and chance once set aside all the known determinants of a race, when the slowest swimmer in an Olympic Game won the gold medal. All the other swimmers were disqualified by a false start and the slowest and poorest swimmer was the only one left to swim the several lengths and win the gold medal without a challenger).

Ecclesiastes 9:11 reveals that strength usually determines the outcome of a battle. (However, time and chance have occurred on several occasions and unexpected people, without much strength, have won amazing battles. Goliath was far stronger than David but the young boy killed the giant).

Ecclesiastes 9:11 teaches that wisdom and understanding are common determinants of prosperity. It reveals how people who give themselves to learning and growing in understanding will prosper. (However, time and chance have also been known to wipe out the effect of these determinants. There are many learned professors who are very poor whilst some uneducated footballers are millionaires).

Ecclesiastes 9:11 shows how skill is a determinant of favour. Your skill determines how much people will choose or select you for anything. (However, there are many skilled footballers, singers and dancers who are not chosen in spite of their talents).

Accept the revelation of Ecclesiastes that these are the common determinants of life on earth. Understand though, that there are things that can undo the effect of these powerful determinants.