READ: Isaiah 10:24-27

And it shall come to pass in that day, that his BURDEN shall be taken away from off THY SHOULDER, and his YOKE from off THY NECK, and the YOKE shall be destroyed because of the anointing” – Isaiah 10:27

The curse is the greatest burden on mankind. A curse follows you everywhere and colours everything you do. The curse is a yoke on your neck. In Isaiah, you learn that the yoke can be removed from your shoulders and your neck by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. It is only by the power of the Holy Spirit that you can break away from the curse.

Many of the steps that human beings take activate existing curses and multiply frustration in their lives. Stubbornness in children leads to many curses. Men naturally walk into the futility of working life with little to show for their lives at the end of it all.

Women are inexorably drawn to men and live their lives in a way that fulfils the curse on women. Haters of Jews instinctively fight against Israel, thereby multiplying the curse. Black people all over the world continue to take steps that make them the last and the least in most things.

It is time to break the curse that is following you. You can break the curse by exiting the cursed path! That is how to break a curse! Break away from the cursed path!

The master key to breaking away from the curse, the burden and the yoke, is the anointing. The anointing is the Holy Spirit. The master key to exiting the cursed path is to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit! How is the anointing going to break the curse? The master key to rising above the cursed existence on this earth, is to be led by the Holy Spirit! The master key to exiting a cursed path is to listen to the voice of God!