READ: Acts 6:1-7

…he went out…and there prayed…Let us go into the next towns, that I may preach there also…” – Mark 1:35,38

Satan’s main strategy is to capture the world into groups of “strongholds” which think in a certain way, so that he can lead them into self-destruction. The great philosophies of this world: humanism, atheism, communism and Marxism are manifestations of the imaginations of the devil. These imaginations (trends of thinking), lead masses of people into selfdestruction (2 Corinthians 10:4, 5).

Ministers must understand the role of the Word in spiritual warfare and must ensure that the Word of God gains pre-eminence.

As the Word of God increases, Satan loses his grip over the souls. Read this amazing Scripture and believe in the power of the Word (Acts 6:7). As the Word of God increases, the number of Christians will multiply. That is why I write books and preach as hard as I can and as many times as possible. I know what it does to the kingdom of darkness.

Christian leaders must use the two-pronged weapon of prayer and the Word to defeat Satan in spiritual warfare. True ministry is the ministry of the Word and prayer. The apostles practised this! They refused to be drawn away from the ministry of the Word and prayer.

The best example of spiritual warfare was Christ Jesus. He taught and He prayed. If we want to have the results that Jesus had, we must use the methods that He used; His methods were praying and teaching.