READ: Deuteronomy 28:1-14

Thus saith the Lord, As the new wine is found in the cluster, and one saith, DESTROY IT NOT; FOR A BLESSING IS IN IT: so will I do for my servants’ sakes, that I may not destroy them all.” – Isaiah 65:8

This scripture teaches that you cannot be destroyed because a blessing is found in you: “Destroy it not, because there is a blessing in it.” Even though you may have brought upon yourself a curse, the presence of a blessing can prevent you from being destroyed.

Most of the problems in our lives arise from curses. Most of the things we do not want for ourselves have been spoken to people as curses. Most of the good things we desire have already been spoken over people as blessings.

Somehow, we believe that these things we desire came upon people because they had the right attitudes. We are brought up to believe that everything we will ever have must be as a result of hard work and sacrifice. Reading the Bible will show you that many of the things you desire actually happen to people as a result of blessings being spoken over their lives. Indeed, many things come to us because of our hard work. But many things also come to people because a specific blessing has been spoken over their lives.

There are many people who work very hard and still do not have the good things we all desire. If you work very hard but do not have the blessing of the Lord over your life, your hard work amounts to nothing.

It is important to desire blessings that have already been declared and that are already governing our world. Look carefully and you will see that it is blessings that lift people up and determine the outcome of their destiny. Desire each one of these blessings and speak them over your life and over the lives of those you love.