READ: Philippians 1:27

So, mydearbrothersand sisters,be strongandimmovable. Always work enthusiastically for the Lord, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless” – 1 Corinthians15:58, New Living Translation

Work hard by cheerfully doing the same things over and over.

By nature, all real work is repetitive and regular. If you are working hard you will do the repetitive and regular chores cheerfully. Even if you are bored you must keep doing the “work” – praying, visiting, counseling and interacting (PVCI). Even if you are tired you must keep doing the “work” – waiting on God, catching the anointing, catching the revelation and guidance (WAR).

Many pastors don’t pray much because they feel it’s repetitive and boring. But when prayer becomes your work you will have to repeat your prayers and you will have to pray regularly . When visiting becomes your work, you will have to visit repeatedly and regularly.

There is a difference between a social visit to a friend’s house and a pastoral visit. Pastoral visits must be conducted repeatedly by pastors. Mega church pastors must intentionally go to the homes of their members on a regular basis.

Don’t we do our secular work when we don’t feel like it? Don’t we all go to the same work place repeatedly and regularly although we don’t feel like it?

In the same way, anyone who claims to be doing the work of the ministry must rise up and repeatedly do the important tasks of a pastor. We don’t pray just because we feel like it. We pray because we have to! We must rise up early and cheerfully intercede for the people God has given us.