READ: James 1:1-8

My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations; Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.” – James 1:2-4

People fail their examinations because they do not have faith. Often, they do not believe that the exam will come on. Often they do not believe that certain questions will be asked. They do not believe that they have to study that much! They do not believe that time is short!

A man of faith passes his exams! Passing your tests is a sign of your faith. A lack of faith is often the reason why people fail their tests and examinations. A child who is failing exams often lacks faith in the importance of examinations. It is when we grow up that we know the importance of schooling. When you are grown up, no one has to tell you that you have to pass your exams.

A man of faith will count it all joy when going through various trials and tribulations. Without faith, you cannot go through trials and tribulations with joy.

Trust in God and you will come out shining. Job went through trials and temptations but he never wavered in his faith in the goodness of God.

Faith is a very important thing. Keep building your faith. Your faith will really help you to pass all exams. Faith is your secret weapon. Faith comes by hearing. The more you listen to preaching, the more your faith is built up! Keep developing your faith by listening even more to preaching and teaching. You will pass all your tests by faith.