Daily Devotional: 27th July “OMISSIONS”

READ: Genesis 40

Yet did not the chief butler remember Joseph, but forgat him.” – Genesis 40:23

One reason why people forget is simply the passage of time. When the chief butler was in prison, he was helped greatly by Joseph. But he forgot Joseph when he was released. Even though he had had a terrible experience in prison, he simply forgot about Joseph.

I have watched how people forget where they came from. As the years have gone by, they need to be reminded of their beginnings. At different times, the Lord used me to start different fellowships, groups and churches. Sometimes I would hand over the group to a leader and leave them for some time. Invariably, they forgot me. They forgot how they began and they forgot about me. With the passage of time, they did not even want my involvement anymore.

I remember one particular group I started and allowed to run for some time. Later on, I came back to them and explained that I wanted to take up the leadership of the group again. After a series of
discussions, I sensed that my leadership was not welcome anymore so I abandoned the idea. I reflected on the turn of events. As I thought over the situation, I considered how people easily forget where they come from.

But such is the lot of a founder. He must be prepared to be forgotten and set aside. This is the reason why people hold on to leadership positions until they die. They fear to hand over their prized vision to
men who forget. The butler forgot Joseph. Many people forget those who have been real spiritual
blessings to them