READ: 1 Samuel 2:27-36

Wherefore the LORD God of Israel saith, I said indeed that thy house, and the house of thy father, should walk before me for ever: …them that honour me I will honour, and THEY THAT DESPISE ME SHALL BE LIGHTLY ESTEEMED.” – 1 Samuel 2:30

Over the years, I have seen people demean full-time ministry. I have watched as people have disregarded the job of ministry and priesthood. They would not come into full-time ministry and they would not want anyone they knew to come into full-time ministry either.

People have been surprised at the respect that men of God receive in the world. Who are they? Why should they be honoured? Why should they be respected? Why should any one take notice of them? Perhaps you wonder why you are lightly esteemed in this life. It is because you have lightly esteemed God’s work and God’s house. The reward for not honouring God was to lose all honour and to be lightly esteemed (1 Samuel 2:30). You allowed your child to go to medical school but you did not allow your child to go to the bible school. You allowed your child to go on a UN mission but you did not allow your child to go on a soul winning mission!

Perhaps some of the most blatant examples of dishonour have come from spouses whose husbands or wives are in full-time ministry. I have seen husbands show disregard for their wives who are in full-time ministry. They give instructions to their wives as though their wife’s work is a useless waste of time. They fight, oppose, demean and degrade the job their wives do constantly from behind the scenes. They oppose their working hours, their travels and insult their bosses from the comfort of their homes.

It is amazing that such people also go to church and want to have a church with a pastor. However, they do not want their families to ever work in the church because they have the spirit of Eli’s sons who demean the work of the priest. Be careful of the disrespect you show to the office of ministry! Remember that as you do not honour God and His servants, God will also lightly esteem you!