READ: Jeremiah 37:11-21

For, when we were come into Macedonia, our flesh had no rest, but we were troubled on every side; without were fightings, within were fears.” – 2 Corinthians 7:5

There are many Christians who have developed through the stages of babyhood, childhood and maturity but have never become servants of God. After you are born again, you must grow until you become a servant of God; you must graduate from babyhood, childhood and maturity into servanthood. I have encountered Christians who have love, patience, peace and gentleness. These wonderful qualities are fruits of maturity and results of being dominated by the Spirit. However, many of these people never graduated further to become servants of God.

It is nice for you to be patient, loving, peaceful and gentle. God is calling you to go one step higher and become a servant of God. When you become a servant of God you have to fight for God’s kingdom. When you fight for God’s work you may not look and sound so peaceful any longer.

Read your history! Learn about the servants of God. What a fight Moses had! What a fight Joshua had! What a fight Jeremiah had! Do you think Jeremiah had a peaceful life when he was thrown into prison for God’s sake? What about Jesus Christ? What about the apostles, the martyrs, the reformers and the missionaries? Do you think they floated around in life on a cloud of peace, love, joy, gentleness and goodness? Fighting is the life of a servant of God! To be a servant of God you may have to contend with earth or Hell or both. It is time to grow up out of this so-called mature peaceful Christianity and become a servant of God who fights for the souls of men.