READ : Genesis 13:1-18

Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” – Amos 3:3

You will notice from today’s Scripture reading, that there was a time when the servants of Lot quarrelled with the servants of Abraham. Lot did not tell his servants that they were even privileged to be with Abraham. He did not remind his followers that it was Abraham who was called and that he was just taken along by the grace of God.

Abraham had to settle the dispute. Abraham took the initiative to separate from Lot. When Abraham asked Lot to choose one section of the land, he took the best part and left Abraham, the real leader, with the leftovers. Sometimes when you do things as a group, the people around do not realize who the real leader is. They think that it is the group effort that is making things work.

Dear friend, notice that it was only after Lot was separated from Abraham that God began to fulfil Abraham’s call.

Often, when people who are launching out in business should really do it alone, they go in for partnerships. I have watched many partnerships break up very painfully. Sometimes when you get yourself involved with partners who are like Lot, they forget that you are the one who had the vision. The time may come when they will even drive you out of the business you created.

Just decide to obey God and to obey Him fully. If God has called you alone, go alone. He will bring people to help you. Don’t be afraid! Strength is not in numbers; it is in God.