READ: John 1:35-45

No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me DRAW HIM: and I will raise him up at the last day.” – John 6:44

Throughout my ministry, I have noticed a drawing and an interest in different men of God. These people have been very important to the fulfilling of my ministry. They have complimented one another in the roles they played in my life. I was drawn to Kenneth Hagin as a teenager. I am still drawn to him even though I am in my fifties. I have also been drawn to other men of God at different seasons of my life. These men have had a great impact on my ministry.

Throughout your ministry, God will place in you an inexplicable attraction to the people that are important to the fulfilling of your ministry. It is important to recognize the supernatural drawing of the Holy Spirit. Accept that the Holy Spirit is drawing you to certain people.

God will draw you to the men He wants you to learn from. Most men of God are liked by some and despised by others. The same man of God who enchants you may irritate other people.

You may be captivated by a man of God, while someone else cannot stand the same person. No one can come to God unless the Father draws him. It is often the Father who draws you in a very subtle, unnoticeable way to Himself through His servant. Jesus pointed out clearly that no one would be attracted to Him unless God worked on the person’s heart and drew him. Jesus was not liked or loved by every one. The majority of the Jews called for His crucifixion. Not everyone thought He was a great guy. Jesus explained this phenomenon to us when He said, “No one can come to me unless the Father is drawing him.” Jesus recognized every single person who was drawn to Him because He knew that it was supernatural for someone to be drawn to Him.