READ: John 14:15-24

And he that sent me is with me: the Father hath not left me alone; for I do always those things that please him.” – John 8:29

The presence of God is with you because you do the things that please Him. Obedience is key if you want to experience the presence of God continually.

Let’s be honest! You would not entertain people in your presence that were not obedient to you. We all keep our most obedient followers close to our side. Obedience is extremely attractive and it draws your superiors into your life like a strong magnet that is attracting metal shavings.

Almighty God is equally attracted to His obedient servants. A disobedient person is a dangerous person. A disobedient person can turn into a “Judas” and betray you. No wonder God does not entertain disobedient people in His presence.

Jesus gave the reason why God’s presence was with Him. He said clearly that the Father was with Him because He was constantly doing the things that pleased the Father. What are the things that will please the Father today? The things that will please the Father are the things that are written in the Bible.

Jesus said in Matthew 16, “I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it.” The only project I know that Jesus is doing is building His church. Why not please Jesus and join Him in what He has declared that He is doing – building the church? The first commandment was, “Follow me I will make you fishers of men.” What could be more emphatic and clear for us to do than to go into the world and make fishers of men?

Obeying God and obeying the Father is essential for maintaining the presence of the Father in your life.