READ: Romans 1:18-32

Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful… Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts…” – Romans 1:21, 24

In the scripture above, human beings lose the presence of God because of their unthankfulness. When human beings fail to glorify God and give Him thanks, they drive away the presence of God. Today, huge sections of Europe and America do not acknowledge God, do not praise God, do not glorify God and are not thankful to God. Because of this, the presence of God has departed from Europe and large parts of America. When the presence of God departed from Europe, the continent was overrun by various perversions. When the presence of God is taken away, you are exposed to other strong spiritual forces that rush in.

The presence of God is lost by being unthankful. Being unthankful attracts evil spirits and drives away the presence of God. When you are unthankful, you drive away good people who love you and want to help you. Ungrateful people are the most unattractive people. They repel good company and drive away the very people that they need. The presence of God is dismissed by the attitude of unthankfulness.

When the Israelites were delivered from Egypt with mighty signs and wonders, they were not thankful. They were ungrateful to God in spite of all the miracles He had done for them. They lost the presence of God and evil spirits invaded them. The opposite of being thankful is complaining and murmuring. When the Israelites complained and murmured, evil spirits invaded their ranks. They were destroyed by several plagues, diseases and evils: 1 Corinthians 10:10. It is important to maintain a positive, thankful attitude if you are to have the presence of God.