READ: Exodus 1:8-14;13:15

But they will become his slaves so that they may learn the difference between my ser vice and the service of the kingdoms…” – 2 Chronicles 12:8, NASB

Pharaoh is a “type” of Satan. Egypt is a “type” of the world and Israel is a “type” of God’s people. Pharaoh afflicted God’s people with hard labour and made them build treasure cities. Most of the time spent in the secular world is spent building the cities of this world. Christians simply join the army of builders to build these treasure cities.

Satan said to Jesus when he showed Him the nations of this world, “All this power will I give thee, and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever I will I give it” (Luke 4:6). He is the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4). As Pharaoh controlled Egypt, Satan controls the world and its cities. That is why the entropy and confusion of this world is increasing steadily to its climax. When you work in the secular organizations of this world, you can be compared to the Israelites working for Pharaoh; there is much rigour, much tension and much sweat about building sandcastles.

Moses requested that the people of Israel be set free so that they could serve the Lord. Anyone desiring to come into fulltime ministry finds himself requesting a departure from the world system. Full-time ministry is service to the Lord! It is like going away from Egypt and into the desert to sacrifice to the Lord and build Him a tabernacle! God wants His people to spend their time building Him a tabernacle and worshipping Him. Escaping from the world system is not going to be easy. It was only through a determined struggle that the people of God finally escaped from Pharaoh.