READ: Ephesians 5:22-33

Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband” – Ephesians 5:33

When a relationship between a boy and a girl is at its max, both of them are doing a little bit more. You will find prompt responses to text messages when the relationship is really hot. When the relationship is dying or dead, you will find several hours or sometimes days between the time a text message is received and the time the answer comes. When a relationship is really hot, people are always checking their phones to see if a message has come from the important lover. When things are dead, they will say things like, “My phone was charging! I left my phone in the office! My phone was on silent!” When the relationship is dying, a little bit more effort is no more exerted to keep the relationship alive and pleasing.

Marriages break down because people do not believe the little things that their partners warn them about. Some men may think the big things are to provide school fees and pay the bills.

However, the small things like saying, “I love you” or “Happy birthday” may be equally important to someone. Being nice and caring may be a small but very important thing.

Some ladies may think the big things are to provide breakfast and dinner. However, the little things of smiling and being cheerful may be just as important as cooking dinner. Being clean or having a bath may seem like a small thing to you. Having sex and being excited about it may seem a small thing to you. Yet, it is both the big things and the little things that make a person pleasing. God’s call to please Him is to serve Him in little things as well as in big things.

To be pleasing to someone will always require just a little bit more than being in your natural state.