READ: Luke 13:11-17

“For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ“ – Galatians 1:10

Notice that pleasing men actually conflicts with our service to God. Pleasing men is often diametrically opposed to pleasing God.

When I began to show my miracle services on the TV, some church members came to me and appealed that I show only teaching services on TV. Some told me how certain university lecturers were very impressed with my teaching services and how they never missed it. They were worried that I would lose the respect and admiration of such noble people. “What will they think about you when they see you pouring oil on hundreds of people? What will they think when they see people falling down and screaming in the church service?” they asked me.

You see, the noble have surgeons and doctors ready to treat them in European and American hospitals. They don’t seek solutions in the church. When people stand testifying that they are healed of headaches and pain in the knees, the noble smirk and chuckle in disdain.

One night, a medical doctor watched me minister to the sick on TV . He sent a message to me through a doctor who was a member of my church. He said, “Tell Dag that if he wants to heal the sick he should come right here to the ward.”

Ministering to the sick is not possible when you love the honour of men. You will stay as far away as possible if you want the respect and admiration of the upper class of society .