READ: Hebrews 13:5

He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty.” – Proverbs 28:19 (New International Version)

This verse tells us that if a man has a piece of land right before him, and works on it or makes use of it, he will have more than enough food to eat. But if this man rather chases after what he imagines he can get from somewhere else, then he will be poor forever!

For this man, the difference between abundance and poverty will be determined by whether he works on the piece of land he has, or whether he runs after imaginary things. The piece of land here could be his profession, job, or property. He may own a shop or restaurant. He may be a teacher, doctor, or a photographer. Whatever the profession, he must make good use of it. Unfortunately, many people waste their lives chasing fantasies. Fantasies are things that are not real; they are things that are not in your hands.

Instead of concentrating on going to school, some people rather chase after visas to travel to Europe and America. I know a young man who was brilliant academically. I personally encouraged him to go to school, and even promised to pay his school fees. But he insisted on travelling to America. For the next six years, he was waiting for his visa. Chasing the fantasy of travelling to America for six years! Imagine that!

People are looking for something elsewhere, when there is something right before them.