READ: Acts 2:38-47

“Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.” – Acts 2:41

There are times when one wonders whether the church is really advancing or not. There are many activities in the Church today and there are many programmes being held. Is the Kingdom of God really marching forward or moving in circles?

A closer look at some new churches often reveals that the new congregations are made up of people who simply migrated from another nearby church.

The Kingdom of God is full of carnal Christians who are always looking for something new and exciting. Many pastors get excited because they think their churches are growing and there is a revival. In reality, there is little overall growth to the Kingdom of God. Members are simply rotating from church to church.

The Kingdom of God needs to advance in reality. Years ago, Europeans sent missionaries to Africa and Asia. Through this act of sacrifice, whole nations have been “Christianized”. People who were previously pagans have been converted to Christ. Let us not deceive ourselves: There are many more people in the world today and there are many more people who do not have an effective church or pastor.

There is an even greater need today for real advancement of the Church into un-Christianized territories. Does anyone complain about the ratio of pastors to the population? How many evangelists are there compared to the millions of people living today?