READ: Ephesians 4:11-15

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things” – 1 Corinthians 13:11

After you are born again, you may grow into the spiritual childhood stage that is dominated sometimes by the flesh and sometimes by the Spirit resulting in instability and uncertainty.

Children run around a lot. They cannot sit still and they have a short attention span. Spiritual children cannot settle down in a church and do not belong to one congregation. Every new church and every new prophet who comes on the scene impresses them.

Children are easily hurt and that is why they cry a lot. Spiritual children are the same. Spiritual children are easily offended by the pastor or by the ministry or by someone in church. They leave the church with the slightest provocation.

One day, a prophet spoke to one of my pastors who was spiritually mature and prophesied that he was going to have a new ministry in France and in Francophone countries. He prophesied a new beginning for this pastor. He prophesied that he had been faithful with another man’s ministry and God was giving him his own ministry. He virtually prophesied my assistant out of my church.

When I heard this story, I asked my pastor how he found that prophetic encounter. He answered, “I had to control myself from bursting out in laughter. I didn’t want to offend this prophet by my laughter. I found his prophecy so ridiculous!” This pastor was too mature to be prophesied out of his position and his God-given place.

Can you be easily prophesied out of your place? Are you stable? It is important that you mature out of the spiritual childhood stage and become a mature Christian.