READ: Judges 7:2-7

Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life” – John 6:68

Gideon is the best example of a commander who learnt not to rely on sheer numbers. Victory is never assured because you have a large force. Many times, a small committed group is better than a large, disloyal mixed multitude. In war, numbers alone confer no advantage.

Indeed, the honour of the king is in the multitude of the people (Proverbs 14:28). However, there are also certain evils that creep in with the multitude of people. Most people are immature and carnally motivated. A large crowd of carnally inspired people is often a crowd with the wrong way of thinking. This is why democracy rarely chooses the best leader for the people. The best leaders are rarely chosen by the democratic masses. The masses look at things like tribe, speeches, appearance and other irrelevant factors.

When it comes to real building and fighting, you do not need the masses. You need a group of loyal people. It is not the size of the group that matters but their loyalty and commitment. Jesus dispensed with the masses and invested in a few disciples. He did not advance in His purpose of winning the world by depending on large numbers of people. He had no time to waste on a large group of uncommitted men.

Always remember, do not advance relying on sheer numbers! Numbers alone do not confer any advantage. With God on your side you are the majority! I have not regretted advancing with a small group of loyalists. It is one of the greatest wisdom steps of my life.