READ: Genesis 3:1-13

…Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written…” – Luke 4:8

Many people are held in bondage because their thinking patterns agree with demonic deceptions. People are kept in bondage as long as their minds agree with the ideas that come from Satan. Satan seeks to gain control over us. The only way he can do this is through our minds.

Unfortunately, the thoughts of many believers are in agreement with Satan because we do not study or believe the Word. When a person is full of thoughts of discontentment and criticism, the demon of hatred can easily take over. Our natural thoughts for revenge, unforgiveness, depression and fear are very much in consonance with the spirit of sickness, disease and even death. This is why the Word of God is so important. It keeps us in full disagreement with the devil’s suggestions.

It is very easy to agree with delusions of demons. The devil’s deceptions are very similar to the truth. Many times, we are caught unawares as we drift along and agree with suggestions, which are not biblical.

That is where steadfastness must be applied. Steadfastness is actually derived from a navy term, which means, “to stay on course”. It also means to come back to course after you have made a deviation. We all tend to go on excursions from time to time but the spirit of steadfastness must bring us back to the Word. Put your foot down and disagree with everything that is not biblical.