READ: Luke 4:14-32

And he went out from thence, and came into his own country; and …he could there do no mighty work...” – Mark 6:1, 5

Many people waste precious years of their lives oscillating between one location and another. Where you live is very important for your success. No one is successful everywhere! Even Jesus did not succeed everywhere. He never stayed where He was not wanted. I used to think that Jesus did powerful miracles everywhere, but I found out that He didn’t. The Bible says that He could not do miracles in His own country.

Jesus’ Ministry blossomed when He moved away from His birthplace and set up His headquarters in Capernaum. The people in His hometown were angry when he preached. However, the people of Capernaum loved His ministry. In Capernaum, Jesus taught, preached and did many of His mighty works.

Joseph, is another example; he became successful when he moved to live in Egypt. Sometimes we are unwilling to go where God wants us to be. Like Joseph, we sometimes have to go there as prisoners (Genesis 39:1).

I have seen the greatest miracles of my ministry in certain places. I know that God has specific places where He will do great things.

Be willing to go to places where you have never been, if God is calling you there. We all love our familiar surroundings and our comfort zones. God’s promotion is waiting for you when you are prepared to obey and to relocate for His purpose.