READ: Mark 6:17-29

And I will deliver thee out of the hand of the wicked…“ – Jeremiah 15:21

The leadership of a woman is characterized by wickedness. You must study leadership, understand leadership, and practise appropriate principles of leadership otherwise you may lead people with the style and mind of a woman.

A woman whose mind is uncontrolled and unrefined by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God has her thoughts characterized by wickedness. Therefore a leader who is like a woman tends to be wicked. Hitler and Stalin are examples of leaders who went this route.

The leadership of a woman is also characterized by fears and insecurity . Read the story of Sarah and Hagar in the Bible: “… And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away: and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba” (Genesis 21:914). A woman whose mind is uncontrolled and unrefined by the Holy Spirit and the Word of God has her thoughts characterized by insecurity . Her thoughts were dominated by the desire to remove threatening people rather than to make use of their strengths for the common good. Therefore a leader who is like a woman tends to demonstrate his insecurity by removing people he perceives as threats to him.

Fear is such a terrible thing. It is put on the same platform as witchcraft, sorcery , idolatry and murder because it has similar fruits. Fear is often called insecurity . Be careful your insecurities do not colour everything you do.