READ: Mark 14:1-9

Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus.” – John 11:5

God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son. Apart from Jesus loving the whole world and dying for the whole world, Jesus is mentioned as specifically loving Martha, her sister Mary and Lazarus. Those who honour will experience extra love. Please remember which Mary it was. It was that Mary who anointed the Lord with ointment, and wiped his feet with her hair, whose brother Lazarus was sick. I do not know of any other human being whom Jesus is said to have loved like this.

This lady is known throughout the world. Many of the disciples of Jesus are not known. Most people would struggle to mention the names of the twelve disciples. This lady reaped the honour she bestowed on Jesus a million times more! She honoured Jesus Christ in a little home in a little village in Israel but she has been honoured throughout the whole world. She is mentioned millions of times because of what is recorded about her in the most published book in the world. She could not have known that the honour she was bestowing on Jesus would go that far.

Do you sometimes wonder why you are not honoured in this life? Do you wonder why no one honours you? It is probably because you do not honour anyone yourself. Honour is rewarded with more honour. Those who honour will receive more honour. You reap what you sow. When you sow honour you reap honour!

How will you ever be honoured when you are a man who never honours another? Why would anyone want to honour you! How come you never make reference to your father, your pastor or any other man of God? You do not seem to have anybody above you. You never give honour to anyone. Do not ever expect to be honoured. Honour begets honour!