READ: Genesis 1:19-22

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul” – Genesis 2:7

Movement is the greatest evidence of life. Anything that has life has movement. When someone lies still without movement, everyone fears that he is dead. You receive life when the breath of God comes into you. When the breath of the Holy Spirit is in you, you keep moving in the will of God; you move according to His plan. You may move into the evangelistic ministry, you may move into the prophetic ministry. You may move into other realms of ministry. You may even change location. Do not be worried when you are transferred. It is a sign of life that you keep moving. Dead things do not move!

When the breath of God is in you, you will praise the Lord: Psalm 150:6. When the breath of God is in you, you will speak and you will communicate. When the anointing of the spirit of God is upon you, you will communicate. Pastors who do not communicate do not have the Holy Spirit in them.

There are many people who do not communicate as they ought to. It is the number one sign that they lack the spirit. When my father died, the thing I noticed most was the fact that he did not speak any more. The absence of his voice was quite remarkable. Even at his funeral I thought he would give instructions and tell everyone what to do! But somehow, he lay there silently and never said a word again up till now.

You receive life when the breath of God comes into you: Life has communication. Flow with the breath of God and begin to communicate.