Read : Psalm 92:12-15

…He that abideth in me, and I in him, the same bringeth forth much fruit: for without me ye can do nothing” – John 15:5

Jesus is saying here that you and I cannot bear fruit, except we abide in Him. This means, to stay, to be planted, to be resident; to remain in Christ and to continue in the things of God.

You see, you have to abide in the same place for some time in order to become productive in that very place. After all, every tree has to be nurtured over a period until it can bear fruits on its own. No mango tree can bear fruits after just one year.

For example, many of the pastors and elders in our church have been abiding here for a long time – abiding Christians who have developed into fruitful leaders. It is only by staying here to be watered and tended, that they have grown to become useful in this very place. However, many Christians do not allow themselves to get to this point, because whenever they are planted, they uproot themselves. A tree that is often transplanted will never, ever grow to its full, fruit-bearing potential.

Are you having problems trying to affect your peers? Just keep at it. Continue in the good work. With time, they will begin to respond. This is because you get stronger and stronger as you abide.

Dear Christian, God wants you to have a restful spirit. Be stable in church. Be permanent, abide. Make a quality decision to be planted in a Spirit-filled, Bible-believing church. Then decide to remain rooted until your fruits begin to show.