READ: John 7:33-39

“ much more shall your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask him?” – Luke 11:13

One of the only things Jesus told us to pray for is for the Holy Spirit. You must pray for the Holy Spirit every day! Do not think that you have enough of the Holy Spirit! Who can ever have enough of the Spirit of God? The Holy Spirit has been given to us in a measure, so there are always other measures that can be added to what you have. Until you die, you will be receiving gifts and impartations of the Holy Spirit. Each of those gifts is important for your calling. The “good thing” and the “best thing” that Jesus has for you is the Holy Spirit.

You will notice the difference in the lives and ministries of those who pray for the Holy Spirit. The most anointed people often pray for the Holy Spirit. It is when you understand and know the value of the Holy Spirit that you constantly pray for Him or His influence. Kenneth Hagin spoke of how he prayed for the Holy Spirit for many years. Perhaps your most important prayer topic is to pray for the Holy Spirit. I love to pray for the spirit of wisdom, understanding, might, power and counsel.

Initially, I did not pray much for the Holy Spirit. I felt that I had enough of the Holy Spirit because I already spoke in tongues. Now I am constantly seeking gifts, sub-gifts and impartations. May your prayers for the Holy Spirit be answered! May you come under a greater and greater influence of the Holy Spirit through these mighty prayers!