READ: John 20:19-23

And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of A RUSHING MIGHTY WIND, and it filled all the house where they were sitting.” – Acts 2:2

Flowing in the anointing is the art of relating with the Holy Spirit as wind. Recognize the gentle pressures of the wind. You must recognize when the Holy Spirit is putting gentle pressure on you to do certain things.

Flow with the Holy Spirit as a wind by recognizing the sudden gusts of the wind. You must recognize the strong pressure of the wind of the Spirit. Recognize the blowing of the wind pressure all over you. You must recognize when you are enveloped by the Holy Spirit.

To recognize the Holy Spirit as wind is also to recognize the Holy Spirit as breath. A breath of air is a breath of wind. Someone may breathe on you and say, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” Your faith in the breath may mean that you received the Holy Spirit. Flowing in the anointing is also the art of relating with the Holy Spirit as though He were a dove.

And Jesus, when he was baptized, went up straightway out of the water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon him: Matthew 3:16

Recognize the gentleness of the workings of the Holy Spirit. The dove is a gentle bird. Flow with the Holy Spirit as a dove by recognizing the Holy Spirit as someone who is easily driven away. You must be careful around a dove so it doesn’t fly away. You must be gentle with a dove so it is not disturbed by you or driven away from you. Flowing with the anointing is to be careful, gentle and tender as though you were around a real and literal dove.