READ: Mark 5:22-24, 35-43

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” – Romans 10:17

We will receive different kinds of news in our lives. Some of the news will be good news. Some will be bad. In times past, we would receive news through letters, messengers, telegrams or newspapers. Today, our WhatsApp messages, our texts and our phone calls are often the bearers of the news.

In Jesus’ time, messengers came in with evil tidings from Jairus’ house: “Your daughter is dead.” No one would like to hear such news in their lifetime. That is the situation that Jesus found Himself in. He immediately intervened and told Jairus, “Fear not. Only believe.” Only believe what? Believe in the goodness of God! Believe in the goodness of Jesus Christ! Believe in the power of God. Believe that all bad news can be reversed by faith.

Indeed, all bad news can be reversed by faith. You must believe that the evil news that you receive can and will turn around by having faith in God. I am not saying these things because I have some power to undo bad news. I am only declaring what I see in Jesus.

Rise up and declare that every bad news that you hear is reversible by faith. Your faith will give you the victory. Through your faith in God, I prophesy that the bad news that is hovering over your life is reversed in the name of Jesus. Amen!

Faith is very important for your life. Faith is your secret weapon against bad news! Faith comes by hearing and hearing comes by the Word of God. The more you listen to preaching, the more your faith is built up! You will be amazed at the effect that faith has on your life.