READ: Matthew 1:18-25

OIL FOR THE LIGHT, spices for anointing oil, and for sweet incense” – Exodus 25:6

The Holy Place was a dark room completely cut off from the outside light. The oil was intended to give light (Exodus 27:20). The light illuminated the dark tent so that the priest could see his way around. Without the light from the oil, there would be no way to see what to do and where to go. Without the light of the Holy Spirit, there would be lots of spiritual disasters. Without guidance from the Holy Spirit, you will fail in the call that God has given you. The anointing oil gives the light that you need for direction in your life. Without the light, you would stumble many times and give up.

Joseph is a good example of someone who received “oil for light”. Joseph, the husband of Mary, received light when he had a dream from the Holy Spirit. Light came into his life and he knew what to do. Light is what the oil brings. Guidance! Direction! Supernatural moves! Divine escapes! The Holy Spirit moved and Joseph knew what to do.

Joseph cooperated with the Holy Spirit and received light for whom he should marry. Receive light for whom to marry. Receive light to accept what God has given you. Joseph received light to accept the woman, Mary, as his wife. He received the light of the key of acceptance.

There is a light that can shine in your life to help you accept the cup God has given you. You may have a bad experience in marriage. That is a cup God may have given you to experience. Jesus received guidance from the Father to accept the cup that He had been given to drink (John 18:10-11).