READ: Exodus 39:33-40

And thou shalt make a covering for the tent of rams ‘skins dyed red, and A COVERING ABOVE OF BADGERS’ SKINS” – Exodus 26:14

Aman of God who has no covering will not experience the presence of God in his ministry.

Churches that are all alone, having no relationships, no covering or no fathers, lack something important. The presence of God is not felt or experienced in a certain way when there is no covering. It is important to be under a covering if you want to experience the presence of God. You can practically invoke the presence of God by being under God’s covering.

I remember a dream that a pastor had. In the dream, he was preaching to a large crowd and I was standing behind him. Then I faded away. And as I faded away, the crowds began to disperse. It happened three times. Each time I faded away, the crowd dispersed. God spoke to him and told him that I was an important covering for his ministry. Every pastor who is a covering for you is human. He will have ugly faults no matter who he is.

The ugly badgers’ skin (Exodus 26:14) speaks of the faulty and failing human fathers and pastors whom God gives us to cover our heads in ministry. Indeed, having a fault-ridden human pastor as a covering is the same as having the ugly, scarred and spotted badgers’ skin as a covering for the Tabernacle.

If you do not do the ministry according to the pattern God gives, His presence will not be with your ministry. Like Moses, we need to go everywhere with the presence of God. “My presence shall go with thee, and I will give thee rest. And he said unto him, If thy presence go not with me, carry us not up hence” (Exodus 33:14-15). Do not be a loner! Be humble and relate with whoever God places over you. You will have the presence of God in your life and ministry.