READ: Philippians 4:1-9

Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;” – 2 Corinthians 10:5

You may be a born-again Christian who keeps his body under subjection, and renews your mind on the Word of God regularly, but your mind is still open to all kinds of thoughts from the devil. A thought is like a bird that flies over your head. It may land on your head, but it must not be allowed to make a nest on your head. When ungodly thoughts come to you, resist them immediately. Do not be surprised when outrageous things occur to you. That is the fight of every born-again Christian; to keep your mind pure at all times.

The devil plagues us with thoughts of fear and worry. When I was a medical student, I saw many young patients die on the hospital ward. Soon, a spirit of fear oppressed me. I imagined myself dying of the same diseases, and I even worked out every detail of my funeral in my mind. Fear is an oppressive spirit that works through the mind. I had to shake off the fears and anxieties that were invading my soul.

Whether it is worry, fear, or lust, you must learn to cast down wrong imaginations. Capture your thoughts and make them obedient to the Word of God. The Bible tells us exactly what to think about. It tells us to think of things that are pure, holy and peaceful. (Philippians 4:8) Resist the devil by resisting the thoughts and suggestions that come from the pit of Hell.

One of the best ways to control your thoughts is to listen to preaching tapes. Christian music and videos are good tools to help in controlling your thoughts. Do not give place to the devil. You give place to the devil when you allow evil thoughts to settle in your mind. They will oppress and obsess you until you become possessed.