READ: Romans 12:17-21

Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice:” – Ephesians 4:31

Sometimes unforgiveness lingers on, long after the offence has been committed. People even bear grudges against dead relatives and enemies. It is a dangerous condition! What are the signs of lingering unforgiveness? They are stated in Ephesians 4:31.

The dictionary defines “anger” as “a strong feeling of hostility and displeasure”. If you have a strong feeling of hostility when you see someone who once offended you, there is some unforgiveness lingering in your heart.

“Wrath” can also be defined as “extreme anger”. One sign of the presence of extreme anger is that the person begins to act “wild”. Extreme anger or wrath is a sign of lingering unforgiveness.

The dictionary defines “clamour” as “loud abusive language, and loud demands or protests”. Clamour or loud abusive language is a sign of lingering unforgiveness.

To “slander” is “to say bad things about someone, or to backbite”. Slander is usually false. Those who slander, often intend to destroy another person. Slanderous people are often full of bitterness.

Sometimes the emotional pain caused by an offence is almost unbearable, and as human beings, it is not easy to forget. Nevertheless, God is saying that He commands us to forgive no matter how traumatic the pain may be.