READ: 1 Corinthians 9:7-14

…The labourer is worthy of his reward.” – 1 Timothy 5:18

It is better to obey instructions that don’t require your wisdom than it is to sacrifice. Walking with the Lord requires that you put aside your own reasoning and trust in His wisdom. To work for God requires faith.

Years ago, I engaged in a conversation with an American missionary.

I told him proudly, “I am not the kind of pastor who depends on offerings. I work as a doctor and do private business. I don’t need anyone’s money.”

He looked at me quizzically and said, “I see the wisdom in what you are doing but God’s wisdom is higher than yours. God has a plan and a pattern by which He is building His church. Your plan and your idea will never be superior to His plan.”

God’s way is simple! They that preach the Gospel must live off the Gospel (1 Corinthians 9:14).

He said to me, “You are depriving your congregation of a blessing which they receive when they bless the man of God.”

After that conversation I recognized that I could not be wiser than God. He must know how to build His church better than I do. Today, I preach the Gospel and I live off the Gospel. I humbly depend on the method of sustenance that God has designed for pastors. I am not better than any of God’s servants. Instead of sacrificing extra time, doing business and other moneymaking deals, I give myself wholly to the ministry of the Word and prayer. It is better to obey than to sacrifice.