READ : 1 John 3:11-18

But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased.” – Hebrews 13:16

A daughter of destiny will not quickly forget where she came from. She is prepared to help her father. Daughter, help your fathers in the natural! Daughter, help your spiritual father! Remember him and remember all that he has done for you. Don’t forget what he has done for you. Perhaps, you will never know the price he paid to care for you.

I am sometimes amazed that people, who have lived with others and at the expense of relatives all their lives, would not like to help anyone in later years. They close the doors to other needy people. They forget what someone did for them.

A virtuous woman has a kind heart. She is generous and helps many people, even those who do not deserve it (Proverbs 31:20). Perhaps you are the wife of some important personality today. Perhaps you are living in a rich western nation. Nothing happens by chance. Perhaps you are occupying a position in which you can employ many Christians. Please note that it is for a reason.

God is the one who established you wherever you are. He will come knocking at your door to ask you for your help. Will you help the cause of the Gospel when it is your turn to do so, or will you find an excuse?