READ: Malachi 3:8-12

“And I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes…“ – Malachi 3:11

The greatest blessing for paying tithes is that God rebukes the devourer for you. When you listen to government leaders of poor countries you get the impression that all their problems would be over if they were to have a little extra money. Unfortunately, this is not the case. Places which receive a lot of financial aid typically remain poor. This paradoxical picture exists because of the inability of the recipients to retain the money they receive.

Can you imagine what you would need to fill a bucket riddled with holes? If riches were defined as a bucket full of water, you would need so much of it to fill such a bucket. But when the holes are blocked you need just a little water to fill the bucket.

This is the mysterious blessing of the rebuked devourer. After the devourer is rebuked, it takes just a little to make you a rich person. When you are without this blessing you will seek better jobs and earn more money but always fail to become rich. When the devourer is rebuked, you may not earn that much but your bucket will fill quickly and soon begin to overflow.

Dear friend, this is what God promises to do when you pay your tithes. Move away from poverty today and receive the blessing of the rebuked devourer.