READ: Isaiah 60:5-9

“And I said, Oh that I had wings like a dove! for then would I fly away, and be at rest. Lo, then would I wander far off, and remain in the wilderness. Selah.” Psalms 55:6-7

The Holy Spirit is like a dove. The dove does not just go anywhere. It does not just land at every window. It chooses the safest window and the friendliest spot. Will the Holy Spirit come to your window? Are you friendly towards the Holy Spirit? Anointed people do not just go anywhere. You must be welcoming to the anointing. Anointed people go where they are loved, honoured and respected. Non anointed people go where there is money to be gotten. But the Holy Spirit goes where He is honoured.

The Holy Spirit does not go everywhere. If you do not believe in the Holy Spirit He will not come to you. If you make fun of spiritual things He will move away. The Holy Spirit can leave at any time. He is very sensitive. If you are sensitive you will notice when His presence has lifted. Where you do not honour the anointing, it will not work!

The Spirit is like a dove. Because of the shape of a dove’s head its eyes can only focus on one thing. The Holy Spirit has dove’s eyes that are deliberately focused on one thing.

Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; THOU HAST DOVES’ EYES. Song of Songs 1:15

Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; THOU HAST DOVES’ EYES within thy locks… Song of Songs 4:1

The Holy Spirit is focused on you. His love is focused on the church, the bride of Christ. God’s attention is on His people. He wants us to break forth into church planting and church growth.