READ: 1 John 1:1-3

Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.” – Psalm 51:6

Jesus came into this world so that we would know Him and trust Him. That’s why He allowed us to hear Him, see Him and touch Him. Does anyone have the chance to hear you, see you or handle you? Are you a mysterious superman who has no faults? Openness produces a great following.

If you are a leader, you must allow people to know you as you really are. Let the people know that you are real! Everybody will readily follow a genuine leader.

Nobody wants to follow a mystery. A mystery speaks of the unknown. A mysterious person smacks of something foreboding. Who wants to follow a mysterious person into a dark valley where something bad may happen to him?

Let me tell you an important secret about leadership. The more open you are, the more readily people will follow your leadership. I did not say that the more perfect you are, the more people will follow you. Everyone knows that his neighbour is not perfect. It is no secret that there is no perfect person on the earth.

Someone who is open and honest about his weaknesses is more likely to have a following. If you are a pastor, let the people know that you are real! Everybody will readily follow a genuine leader