READ: Matthew 10:34-39

Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it.” – Luke 17:33

There is a great difference between giving up something and having it taken from you. In both cases, you end up losing the thing. To give something is a blessing but to lose something is a curse.

I have watched as people tried to preserve themselves and their families but ended up losing them. Many have also tried to prevent financial loss as they avoided going into fulltime ministry. Somehow, they lost what they were trying to keep.

Dear friend, be it known unto you that he who keeps his life will lose it and he who loses his life for Christ’s sake will find it. These are the irrevocable words of our Saviour.

There are people who think they are preserving their family lives by not getting too involved in church activities. They give themselves to secular pursuits thinking that they are safeguarding the future of their homes. Many of these people have ended up losing their children and their spouses as they followed money on a wild goose chase.

It takes wisdom to see ahead and to know that you are going to lose something (Proverbs 22:3). Foolishness often keeps us blinded from this reality. Give up your life or it will be taken from you.